Be joyful! Celebrate life!

I am responding to the September letter-writer who took issue with the bathing-suit ad in the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness. In that ad, four elderly women in bathing suits are enjoying the water. I am disappointed that the letter-writer failed to see the significance of such joy. As an employee of a major

A New Era

Our Synod is engaging 21st-century mission with an international force.

Helping Blind People See Jesus

Over the past 85 years, The LCMS’ ministry to blind and visually impaired people has evolved from simply producing materials to training blind missionaries.

God’s design for marriage

Christopher Mitchell’s article, “God’s Design for Marriage” (August), was very good and a much-needed perspective of God’s will for our married lives. However, Dr. Mitchell misquoted when he wrote that “one holy catholic and apostolic church” comes from the Apostles’ Creed. It is, as Dr. Mitchell would agree, from the Nicene Creed. Thank you, Dr.

Recharging with Grace

Grace Place Lutheran Retreats offer church workers and their spouses an opportunity to recharge spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Preventing child abuse

“What about the Children” in the August issue reminded me that a few years ago one of our congregation members, Baker Kittelson, in cooperation with Director of Christian Education Bob Brantsch, was instrumental in forming a Prevention of Abuse of Children (PAC) Committee, which resulted in a policy manual for our congregation. I would invite

Happy Campers

Concordia University Wisconsin got the ball rolling when it learned the Rams were scouting training sites, persuading the Rams to visit as the last stop on its campus tour.

A wrong note!

Your article in the August issue on inspiring children to make music in the church was well done for the most part. I saw the DVD that was produced by the Commission on Worship and have only positive things to say about it. However, I take issue with you bringing into the article the “decline”

Priests in Voting Booths

Opinion by Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto What’s a Christian to think of politics and the upcoming elections? For Christians in their role as ‘voter priests,’ it’s a serious business, says Uwe Siemon Netto, and considering the world’s thirst for oil, there’s much at stake. Next month, Americans will elect a new government that could face the

The older brother

Several times I have listened to sermons about the prodigal son and have been disappointed that the older son’s reaction is either ignored or taken to such an extreme it is hard to personally relate to his reaction toward the return of his younger brother. Once again, in June’s “Searching Scripture,” the older brother was

All This Jazz

The “Jazz Song” Christians sing–The Gospel–preaches a more powerful sermon than any silver-tongued orator ever could.

A dedicated servant

Thanks for the beautiful article “When at Last I Near the Shore” by Edie Sodowsky in the May Lutheran Witness. Mrs. Esther Wilke was a member of the church we have attended for many years. She was a quietly faithful and dedicated servant of the Lord in church, in the LWML, in helping with the

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