The ministry of healing

Thank you for Chaplain Schroeder’s “Lifeline” story, “They Will Place Their Hands on Sick People,” in the May Lutheran Witness. Jesus commissioned His followers to preach, teach, and heal. While Luther valued all three Gospel outreaches, the LCMS often seems ambivalent about Jesus’ ministry of healing. If, after reading Chaplain Schroeder’s article, some would like

God’s Design for Marriage

While individuals and groups today assert a variety of definitions for marriage, our heavenly Father always intended it to be the lifelong union of one man and one woman.

Profoundly disappointed

I must express my profound disappointment and sorrow that you chose for your April issue to print such a mean-spirited letter from a reader directed toward Paine Proffitt’s illustrations in the December Lutheran Witness. It was a serious lapse in judgment. We Christians are called to encourage one another, not to tear each other down.

The gift of the Spirit

Dr. Gerhard Bode, in “The Gift of the Holy Spirit” (May 2008), had the right idea when he wrote, “The Holy Spirit active in the apostles on Pentecost is the same Spirit who works in believers today.” But he really did not say how, when, or why this is true. How can you write an

In the spotlight

It was with great delight that I read the May article that featured Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor. I met Dr. Taylor at Fordham University when we were both pursuing studies for the doctoral program. He not only excelled in his academic studies but also became noted as a talented musician. Dr. Taylor freely shared his

A Shabby Approach to Outreach

In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, Through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. –Gal. 3:26-27 ESV

Being drawn inside

Thank you for your cover on the May 2008 issue of The Lutheran Witness. I have waited for such a cover for years. This is what God’s people are all about: 2008, new life, Baptism, joy, sharing, calling to confession, receiving forgiveness, vibrant, full of the power of the Spirit, and, you guessed it, it

Confronting Suicide

by Theresa M. Shaltanis I don’t have a question, but I have an observation that may help others. My 17-year-old son lost his best friend to suicide earlier this year. In the days following that tragedy, well-meaning friends and family questioned (judgmentally, it seems to me) how a teenager could reach such a point of

Positive covers revisited

Dorothy Staub writes concerning “grotesque, repulsive covers for The Lutheran Witness” (“Positive covers, please!” May 2008, Letters), specifically in apparent reference to the March 2008 issue featuring the painting The Three Marys at the Tomb, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905). In response to Mrs. Staub’s concern, I would like to offer a couple of points. First,

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