Shedding Some Light

Heavenly Yoga? Josiah, my 6-year-old grandson—a “preacher’s kid”—prays each night for those who are sick. He has his own system: If they are mildly sick, he asks God to “put Your hand on him.” If they are very sick, he asks God “to put two hands on him.” When a family friend lay gravely ill

Cremation: Not a Christian Option

Having extensively researched the history of cremation and then published my book Ashes to Ashes or Dust to Dust: A Biblical and Christian Examination of Cremation (Regina Orthodox Press, 2005), I was deeply saddened to read Dr. William Knippa’s April “Family Counselor” response to a question about cremation. His counsel simply reflects our secular culture’s

So, This Is Sainthood?

by Rev. Terence Groth Our Lutheran Confessions urge us to remember exemplary saints for two reasons: (1) “so that we may strengthen our faith when we see how they experienced grace and how they were helped by faith”; and (2) that we may “take the saints’ good works as an example” (AC XXI:1). Jesus testified

Pastors needed

Thanks to President Kieschnick for his article in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness regarding the critical need for more pastors to serve our congregations. What is not mentioned, however—and I imagine that it is due to space limitations—is that there are any number of qualified and experienced pastors on candidate status who are

‘Fan into Flame’

Placing a full-time missionary does not just happen. It takes planning, and it takes money. Our missionaries are reaching people with the Gospel thanks to LCMS individuals and congregations who have been part of Fan into Flame, the first Synodwide capital campaign in more than two decades.

A simple truth

Thank you for Edie Sodowsky’s article in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness (“When at Last I Near the Shore”). I have seen what she so touchingly describes happen countless times as I have engaged in the ministry of visitation. Sagging heads,vacant stares, unresponsive minds drawn briefly and joyously back into a precious moment

Making Choices in the Civic Arena

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I turned 18 this year, and I am excited to vote in the upcoming presidential election. I’ve been following the race and talking with friends and family about my views. My parents and I disagree about presidential candidates for a number of reasons. They imply that I’m wrong because I’m

Shedding Some Light

Why Go to Church? A reader wrote a letter to the editor of his local newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I’ve heard perhaps 1,500 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember

Peace in Anxious Times

We are living in a time of anxiety, conflict, and concern. People are anxious today about employment and job stability; about the price of gas, other fuels, and food; and about the future leadership of our country.

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