Be reconciled

The article on restoring broken relationships (February) is wonderful and timely. Every Lutheran, and every Lutheran congregation, should use this to help reconciliation. We all have those we struggle with in our walk together. Thank you, Ted and Eric. However, I am a bit concerned regarding how the Lord’s Supper was talked about, and how

A blessing, but is something missing?

It was so refreshing and stimulating to read “The Little Church That Could” in the February 2008 Lutheran Witness. The article gave me a thrill. May Living Water Community Church continue to be a blessing to many more! By the way, many articles written by Paula Schlueter Ross have impressed me. Lois SchumacherFort Wayne, Ind.

Doing penance

I just opened the much-anticipated February issue of The Lutheran Witness. As penance for my procrastination in not writing a letter praising Dr. Siemon-Netto’s November 2007 courageous and thought-provoking article, “On Words and Vocations,” I must comment on the rancorous letters printed in the issue. I believe that the negative comments directed at Dr. Siemon-Netto

In the eye of the beholder

I so enjoyed Paine Proffitt’s artwork in the December Lutheran Witness. What wonderful Christmas cards the art would make—or are they already? Janette C. BorstEmporia, Kan.   Those weird paintings by Paine Proffitt are an insult to our heavenly Father and Son. Jesus looks like an Egyptian mummy. And Joseph and Mary need neck therapy.

Rose Again?

I am a lifelong Lutheran, have been confirmed, attended a Lutheran college, and teach in a Lutheran high school. In all my years of asking I have yet to receive an adequate answer to the question about one simple word: “again.” In the Apostles’ Creed, we say that Jesus “rose again from the dead.” My

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

by Dr. William B. Knippa My husband and I are in our late seventies and are preparing what we think will be our last will. Regarding our funeral plans, one daughter thinks we should be cremated (it’s less expensive, less stressful for family, etc.), but our other daughter wants us to be buried. Neither of


My compliments to the new managing editor, Mr. James H. Heine. Frankly, I have never read any of the articles in the Witness in the past.Usually I let it lay around for awhile and the toss it [in the trash].  I could never get past the cover picture, which turned me off. Flipping through the magazine didn’t

Looking for ‘Lutheran’

Not only am I in complete agreement with Rev. Krugler as he decries the failure to use ‘Mosaic LUTHERAN Church’ for a new mission church in the West, but his point is further enhanced by stories of two churches in the Texas District named “Water’s Edge” and “Living Water Community Church” in the same February

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