The “Dumbing Down of Lutheranism”

President Kieschnick’s article is most timely and very necessary.  A good sermon should be the high point of our service and be “powerful preaching of Law and Gospel.”  Unfortunately, this [type of sermon] is lacking in far too many of our churches.  Having been fed a sermon series for years (“Expresso Yourselves” or “The Grinch,

Call it what it is

I’d like to comment on something I read in the convention preview article in the June/July issue.  Under the Human Care floor committee section were the words “assisting congregations in ministering to undocumented immigrants.”  It wasn’t too long ago we were fighting over the description “anti-abortion” vs. “Pro-Life.”  Somehow,  we are afraid to be called

The Synod in Convention

One Message—Christ! His Love is Here for You!
This is the theme for the Synod’s triennial national convention.

The Return of “Searching Scripture”

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  It was a wonderful surprise when I opened the Witness and found a Bible study!  I have really missed having studies printed in previous magazines.  They are not only useful to me personally, but I can also use them to share the Good News with my friends and co-workers. 

Fear and the racially split church

The recent Christ Call of Uwe Siemon-Netto (June Witness) for Lutheran Christians—in combating racism, threats, and the torments of today’s dark night of terrorism—is a continuing Christ Call, heard down through the ages. The cause of racism is fear—and this fear has a stranglehold on the local and global community. As a professor for thirty

By Faith we believe in the Resurrection

The latest article by Dr. Paul L. Maier— “The Mystery of the Missing Body”(April)—hits the doctrinal nail on the head. We Christians know of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by faith, so that no amount of fallacious arguments or outlandish theories to the contrary will impress or sway us. We should not be

“Our Marvelous Bodies” – Missing Something?

Another excellent issue of the Witness.  The new format is exceptional.   The article titled “Our Marvelous Bodies” was very good with one exception.  For thirty seven years I have taught, as I was taught in “the system,” that stewardship of the body was composed of three elements; proper diet, proper exercise, and proper rest.  The

Defending the Unborn

I was deeply offended by the letters to the editor column in the March issue of The Lutheran Witness. While emotions run high on the stem-cell debate, the position of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has been unwavering: From the moment of conception, human beings are precious in the sight of God. I understand the editor’s

Sounding off about LSB

It was with sadness that I read the editorial last issue expressing perplexity over the LSB’s language selection in some hymns.  I was saddened at the clear derision and the impugning of motives the author boldly articulated.  Perhaps he would do well to read, mark, and inwardly digest what Luther teaches us of the Eighth

Seeking Ablaze!

Each month I look forward to receiving The Lutheran Witness. I especially enjoy reading the mission-outreach articles, e.g., South Africa (April), Cambodia (February), early-childhood centers (December), and Indonesia (October). Missionaries we support come alive when we can read firsthand their stories from the mission field. However, looking back seven months I see no articles that

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