Roy S. Askins

None Excluded

America’s children have left the church in droves, yet many do not deny the existence of God.

Lutheran Witness: March 2023

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness seeks to understand the religiously unaffiliated (the “Nones”) and how they think.

Lutheran Witness: January 2023

The January issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on the church’s ongoing responsibility to proclaim the Gospel in the wake of Roe v. Wade.

Life After Roe

Legislation does not change hearts. Only the Holy Spirit through the proclamation of the Gospel changes hearts.

On Eternal Life

This month’s issue revolves around gaining a deeper understanding of what the fulfillment and completion of your eternal life will look like.

Lutheran Witness: November 2022

The November issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses Scripture’s account of the eternal life which awaits those who are in Christ.

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