Roy S. Askins

Lutheran Witness: September 2022

The September issue of The Lutheran Witness celebrates the 500 year anniversary of Luther’s translation of the New Testament into German.

Lutheran Witness: August 2022

The August issue of The Lutheran Witness defends the truth and accuracy of Scripture’s inspired testimony, under the theme “Breathed Out by God.”

Breathed Out by God

God’s Word is both inspired — breathed out by God — and it is inerrant — it does not contradict itself or contain error.

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2022

The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness examines war from a Lutheran perspective: even amid the horrors in Ukraine, we look to Jesus.

Lutheran Witness: May 2022

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses Christ’s Ascension: its theological import, its celebration and its meaning for Christians.

Our Ascended Christ

The disciples became sorrowful over Jesus’ impending departure, and yet, His departure was necessary.

Lutheran Witness: April 2022

The April issue of The Lutheran Witness celebrates the 175th anniversary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, under the theme “Our Lutheran Heritage: 175 years.”

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