Roy S. Askins

Seek First the Kingdom of God

As we struggle to look at the world from a Lutheran perspective — that is, a biblical perspective — we must learn to identify and struggle against the idols that tempt us to abandon or neglect seeking first the kingdom of God.

Lutheran Witness: May 2021

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the theme “Seek First the Kingdom of God,” exploring how this looks for Christians in a world full of temptations and idols.

Four Views on Jesus

As a composer uses harmonizing strains to form one grand piece of music, so also the Gospels create a full picture of Jesus Christ.

Written in the … Word

Whether superstition or false belief, let’s repent and turn to the Lord. We fear, love and trust in Him above all things. And He provides as He has promised and in accordance with His will.

Lutheran Witness: March 2021

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the dangers and pitfalls of superstition, under the theme “Written in the … Word.”

Return to the Word

His Word is a lamp to our feet that guides us on the path of His righteousness.

Lutheran Witness: February 2021

The February Lutheran Witness reminds us to “Return to the Word” of God — at church, in prayer, through reading, and in family devotions.

A Chaste and Decent Life

Chastity takes place throughout the entire life of the believer. It encompasses not simply the acts occurring in the bedroom, but the life we live together and before the world, in the clothes we wear, the jokes we tell, even the movies we watch.

Lutheran Witness: January 2021

The January issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses the “Chaste and Decent Life” to which Christians are called, in spite of a culture which has rejected it.

And the Word Tabernacled Among Us

The tabernacle signified God’s presence among His people Israel. Now, we look to Jesus to see the place of God’s presence among His people.

Lutheran Witness: December 2020

In the December Lutheran Witness, read how Christ’s incarnation was prefigured throughout the Old Testament and continues to be the source of greatest gifts today.

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