A Blossoming Ministry
This month, 4,000 volunteers will help with the Lutheran Laymen’s League “mission statement on wheels” at the Tournament of Roses Parade.
This month, 4,000 volunteers will help with the Lutheran Laymen’s League “mission statement on wheels” at the Tournament of Roses Parade.
We all remember special gifts from Christmases past, but the one great Gift remains the Son our heavenly Father sent to us.
How do we endure His silence in times of suffering and persecution? The question is a very real and practical one for the Church and for each one of us.
Written 472 years ago this Christmas, Martin Luther’s Christmas letter to Prince Joachim remains a testimony to Luther’s pastoral theology.
I was in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, in September serving with the Wittenberg English Ministry. I question Pastor Torgerson when he says it will be wonderful when someone can say, “There is a Lutheran church here” (Lutheran Witness, October 2007). There is a strong Lutheran presence in Wittenberg now. The congregations of St. Mary’s (the Stadtkircke) …
I was perplexed when I read the article about the all white Sunday school class in St. Louis sending literature featuring a white Jesus and other white biblical characters to an all Black Sunday school in Kenya. This on the heels of an article on racism in a previous issue, and even a letter to …
I was very encouraged to read the article “Is God green?” by Pastor Nelson a couple of months ago. My own graduate studies on the topic of “Christianity and Environmental Ethics” lead me to the realization that conservative Christian denominations such as the LCMS have fallen behind in the way of supporting care for creation …
I read, with great interest “HAVE THE RULES CHANGED.” In fact, I read it over several times and I always was left having the same opinion. While the question was answered quite accurately and succinctly, I couldn’t help but wonder if the writer meant to ask that particular question. By asking “Have the Rules Changed” …
Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto makes an excellent point about the deformation of the language. Almost 60 years ago, George Orwell wrote a book, 1984, where language was controlled by the government. “Free” could mean “Free from fleas”, but could not mean “political choice.” In that society, people could not voice, or even comprehend, certain issues because words …
Thanks for the brief yet delightful article on the National Youth Gathering, “Chosen!” I was pleased to see the colorful images of our youth and adults side by side and to read about the many different ways the Gathering impacts the Church and the community. My deep appreciation to our Synod for hosting and supporting …
I have been “composing” this letter ever since I read the article on chaplains in the August 2007 “Lutheran Witness.” They served not only members of the armed forces but civilians as well. Chaplain William J. Reiss was stationed at Camp Crawford, Sapporo, Japan immediately after WWII. He was instrumental in helping the first LCMS …
Everybody who rode out the May 4 tornado in Greensburg, Kan., has a story. And many of those stories reflect a strong Christian faith.