Worship currents

I enjoyed the article on the new Lutheran Service Book (“His Word-Cast in Song,” October ’06) and commend the Synod’s Commission on Worship for its fine work. I wonder, though, where a similar resource might be for those involved with contemporary-style worship. In light of all of our urban and ethnic ministries, our outreach to …

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Get in the trenches!

Thank you for Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto’s painfully truthful article, “We Are Needed: Are Lutherans Afraid to Take on the World?” (November ’06). Although I understand the paramount importance of our pastors, in their sermons, preaching the Law and Gospel and properly distinguishing between the two, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if their sermons did something more …

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Whose Land Is It?’

Dr. Reed Lessing’s “Whose Land Is It?” (November ’06) is invaluable because it answers the question at the heart of problems in the Middle East. His article is valuable both for its religious and political insights. A recent New York Times headline read: “For evangelicals, supporting Israel is ‘God’s foreign policy.’ ” The Lutheran Witness …

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A teenager’s search for God brings a wonderful surprise.

The Splendor of Epiphany

The splendor of Epiphany still “epiphanizes” Christians to be the light of the World, sharing Christ with people who cry out for the ‘Light of Light.’

The Stem ‘Sell’

Despite what its proponents say, the fact remains that human cloning for any reason cannot be justified.

Lutheran Witness: December 2006

In this month’s cover story, Dr. Ardon D. Albrecht of Simi Valley, Calif., offers an inside peek, replete with pastoral and professional insights, into the soon-to be-released movie, The Nativity Story.

Whose Land Is It?

The Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing provides thoughts on Premillennial-Dispensationalism and how it relates to Jews and the land of Israel.

Lutheran Witness: November 2006

Why do Lutherans resist dirtying their hands in the secular realm? This is the question posed by Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, director of the Institute on Lay Vocation at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in this month’s “We Are Needed: Are Lutherans Afraid to Take on the World?”.

Lutheran Witness: October 2006

Another story about the new hymnal? Yes, with this issue, we conclude our coverage of the run-up to, and arrival of, Lutheran Service Book (LSB). Few topics have commanded as much Witness ink in recent years as LSB, the fourth major English-language hymnal in the Synod’s 158-year history.

Lutheran Witness: September 2006

Normally, we use this space to draw your attention to a particular article—often the cover story—in the issue at hand. This month, though, I’d like to comment on the regular department known as ‘Letters’…

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