A Faithful Story?

I was disappointed to read that Dr. Albrecht felt The Nativity Story (December) was “faithful to the biblical account.” How could he fail to note the inaccuracies regarding the Magi and the glaring omission regarding the announcement to the shepherds? Concerning the juxtaposition of the shepherds and the Magi, I hope the filmmakers weren’t suggesting …

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Hopes and Dreams

What hopes, dreams, or goals do you have for the future—for yourself and for your family? What about for your church?

Beautiful Wheels

The doctor’s blunt pronouncement hit me squarely between the eyes: “You have macular degeneration.”

The Blind Are Leading the Blind

Lutheran Blind Mission is out to prove there is powerful truth in the phrase “the blind leading the blind” when it comes to leading people to Christ.

Torn Shirt

Tearing our garments and dumping ashes on our heads to demonstrate our repentance are anachronistic today. What replaces them in our lives as we enter Lent?

A Joyful Lent

During Lent, we Christians take time to reflect, to confess, and to repent. But repentance is also a joy—a gift from God that changes our hearts and lives.

Taking Christ to Cambodia

Gospel doors are opening in this Buddhist country, where the murderous Pol Pot regime and the dream of a Cambodian refugee sparked the start of the country’s first LCMS-affiliated congregation.

Shedding Some Light

One for “Q and A”As a farmer with many tasks that need to be done quickly when weather permits, too often I miss Sunday services. My question is: Is it better for me to sit in church and think about my hay, or for me to sit on a load of hay and think about …

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“Two Kingdoms vs. One Me”

The Lutheran doctrine of two kingdoms explains how God works in His spiritual kingdom and His earthly kingdom. But man’s selfish nature is to trump both with “me.”

We Are One People

As One People, we can all set our sights on the One Mission of seeking the lost by proclaiming the One Message that Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of the world.

Does an Ill-Informed Vote Equal Sin?

In Missouri this past November, and possibly in some other states across America, citizens voted on whether embryonic stem-cell research could be performed by scientists.  My question is this:  What if prior to learning through more reliable sources like Lutherans For Life, one believed that this type of stem-cell research was not wrong and therefore …

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