Letter From the Editor

On Eternal Life

This month’s issue revolves around gaining a deeper understanding of what the fulfillment and completion of your eternal life will look like.

Breathed Out by God

God’s Word is both inspired — breathed out by God — and it is inerrant — it does not contradict itself or contain error.

Our Ascended Christ

The disciples became sorrowful over Jesus’ impending departure, and yet, His departure was necessary.

Zeal for Your House Has Consumed Me

The answer to sloth is zeal, a passion for God’s Word and His gifts. If you struggle with appreciating and receiving God’s gifts, this issue is for you.

Male and Female He Created Them

“Male and female he created them,” the Scripture says. And in that creation, God ordered the relation of the man and the woman, of Adam and Eve.

Christmas Canticles & A Threefold Appeal

The Christmas canticles — the Magnificat, Benedictus, Gloria in Excelsis and Nunc Dimittis — each point to Christ in a unique way, and remind us of the gift of His nativity all year long.

Nov. 2021 Editor’s Letter

The articles cover reflections on All Saints’ Day and Proverbs 31, as well as advice from Martin Luther on mourning and C.F.W. Walther on the church and state. There is plenty to interest any reader.

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