The Magazine

A moment of joy

It was a great joy to read “Through the Ages” in the November Lutheran Witness. The wonderful centenarian told her pastor something I had learned as a child and my parents before me had also learned. I belong to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in the little town of Strasburg, Ill. Grace Church had a young

Different priorities

The prevailing assumption running through “Priests in Voting Booths” (October 2008) is that the world oil supply will soon run out. I’ve heard estimates that the United States alone has enough oil in its own territory to meet its needs for 150 years, if we would just get serious about drilling it. Uwe Siemon Netto

On target, and not!

I want to compliment you for the creative use of two different images to make one image on the cover of the October Lutheran Witness. It was done well! Rev. Glenn Zander St. John Lutheran Church McMinnville, Ore. Please look at page 13 of the October Lutheran Witness. Perhaps this page looks nice to the

Engaging the culture

I am responding to the October letter in which the writer discussed the reasons for the moral decline in our country. (See the section “God’s Design for Marriage” in the Letters department of the October Lutheran Witness.) I agree that the Church can do more to impact the culture around us. As the writer correctly

Celebrating partnerships

Regarding your October mission story, “A New Era”: This past spring, my wife and I were privileged to travel to Russia and the Baltics with an LCMS tour hosted by Rev. Robert Roegner. It was a great experience to see our missionaries in action, but better yet, to see how our partner churches and pastors

Reaching Out for Help

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My husband and I have been married 20 years. Ten years ago I was unfaithful to him, but he is unaware of it. I have repented of this sin and have never repeated it, nor would I. I haven’t told my pastor, either. Do you feel it’s important for me

Shedding Some Light

Christmas bloopers your spellchecker won’t catch The Festival Choir will present experts from Handel’s Messiah today at 2 p.m. We ask your help if you play an instrument, sin, or do liturgical dance. The Christmas decorating party begins Sunday at 2 p.m. Bring your saws to cut trees and willing hands. The purpose of this

Christmas from the Angle of Angels

by Rev. Terence Groth Angels play such a prominent role in the story of our Lord’s birth that we might even tell the Christmas story from their perspective. The evangelist Luke sets the stage with the story of John the Baptist’s birth in Luke 1:5–25. John’s parents, the childless Zechariah and Elizabeth, “were both well

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