The Magazine

Education Inspiration

Read an exclusive profile of Concordia, Irvine, student Kelly Warneke and comments by Concorida, Portland, graduate Lynn James about the benefits of a Concordia education. Also, read observations from ‘Kit’ Nagel, assistant professor of business at Concordia, Bronxville, on teaching as a ‘second career.’

Sharing your faith: more encouragement for men

Thank you for stressing the importance of evangelism in the January issue about sharing our faith. Only one problem: Your cover photo spoke to women — but not to men. As a Christian man, I can tell you that, when called to share my faith with another man, I would never curl my legs up

Member vs. nonmember privileges

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”  John 4:24 ESV The reply in the February 2008 Q&A concerning who should receive the privilege of Church rites promotes a “Gospel only – no Law,” attitude toward the local congregation’s relationship to the world and, in so doing, promotes a

“The Little Church That Could”

I applaud the community service efforts of “The Little Church That Could,” Living Water Community Church of Richardson Texas, highlighted in the Feb. 2008 Lutheran Witness.  The article, however, raised a number of concerns.  First, the ministry of LWCC is described almost entirely without reference to the centrality of corporate worship.  The Church “is the

Looking for ‘Lutheran’

Not only am I in complete agreement with Rev. Krugler as he decries the failure to use ‘Mosaic LUTHERAN Church’ for a new mission church in the West, but his point is further enhanced by stories of two churches in the Texas District named “Water’s Edge” and “Living Water Community Church” in the same February

No Longer Captive: Alleluia!

Easter robs death of the ‘dignity’ it claims for itself. It gives us the sure and certain word that Jesus died for our sins and, therfore, the grave cannot hold us.

Take the Quiz!

The Concordia University System: 10 Schools, One Mission. See if you know some interesting facts about these schools.

God’s File Cabinet

Where do unanswered prayers go? Do they pass by the ears of God? Could it be that God hears them and files them away in an ethereal file cabinet?

The Missionary Who Never Left Home

Wilhelm Loehe never left his native Germany, yet his untiring work for the Kingdom helped the young LCMS–and Lutheran churches around the world.

Keeping a Holy Lent

The season of Lent offers us an opportunity for penitential reflection and prepares us for the glorious good news of Easter.

Member vs. Nonmember Privileges

Does the LCMS have a position on the public burial or marriage of a nonmember of a congregation? I always believed that one of the privileges of being a communicant member was to be allowed public baptism of your children, public marriage of yourself or your children, and a public burial, or “Christian burial,” from

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