The Magazine

Youth Will Live LOVE(D)

Learn how LCMS high-school youth will put Witness, Mercy, Life Together into action at the 2013 National Youth Gathering.

10 Minutes with . . .Dr. Bruce G. Kintz

by James H. Heine Concordia Publishing House is one of only four winners of the 2011 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award–the country’s highest presidential honor for business-performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership. CPH is the only nonprofit among the 2011 winners, announced Nov. 22. The 69 organizations that qualified for the award were

Spiritual but Not Religious

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious? by Rev. Travis J. Scholl You know this one-liner by now, don’t you? You’re talking with somebody in the grocery store, and somehow your church comes up. Then you get the look: the tilt of the head, the naive smile, the dewy eyes, the feigned

Believe It Your Way

Religious life has become a buffet of beliefs, but does the First Commandment allow this?

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2012

This issue discusses the trend of “do-it-yourself” or “cafeteria” religion—what one of our authors calls choosing our doctrines from a “buffet of beliefs.”

Values and Priorities

Interested in the Synod’s fiscal status? President Harrison addresses the issues of transparency, responsibility and the way forward.

May 2012 Letters

Fan into Flame draws to a close I read the article in the March Lutheran Witness about the Fan into Flame campaign coming to a close, and the numbers in it caught my attention.  Nearly 67 million was raised. However, the sidebar states that only 53 million of that actually materialized in cash received.  Nearly

10 Minutes with . . . Kay Kreklau

by James Heine At its 34th biennial convention last June in Peoria, Ill., the LWML elected Kay Kreklau as its 17th president. A longtime member, Kreklau has served the LCMS auxiliary in a multitude of roles at the local, zone, district and national levels. As a member of a small North Dakota congregation, she has

Teach Us To Pray

Our Lord bids us to pray, but where do we start? by Gregg Hein It is bedtime. My younger children–ages 10, 8 and 5–have just finished jostling for position to brush and spit and complete the rest of the routine. The obligatory debate about whose room we’ll be praying in tonight is set-tled by my

Q and A

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz Q: In both the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, we confess that Jesus “rose again” from the dead. English versions of the Bible also say in a few passages that Jesus rose again (e.g., Mark 8:31 and 1 Thess. 4:14). Doesn’t this imply that Jesus rose a second time? Why not

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