The Magazine

Shedding Some Light

Only You Can Prevent Church Fires        A few years ago in December, I visited my friend’s church. The service was beautiful, but when it came time for the sermon, the pastor spoke a long time and my attention waned. Suddenly, I heard him call out, “There’s a fire going on in here!” Thinking that

Say the Same Thing

by Rev. Joshua Hayes Newer is better. We want our devices to be cutting-edge and fast and highly personalized. When it comes to the things of God, however, the Scriptures teach us that newer is not always better, nor should we each have a personal version of the faith. Rather, we are to share and

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2012

This issue discusses the trend of “do-it-yourself” or “cafeteria” religion—what one of our authors calls choosing our doctrines from a “buffet of beliefs.”

Not Absent

by Rev. Joshua Hayes We believe that Christ “ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” For 40 days after He rose from the dead, Christ appeared to the apostles and preached to them about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). He was then “taken up into heaven and

Church Shopping and Hopping

by Rev. Ray Mirly You have been baptized and catechized in the Christian faith. At your Baptism, the Holy Spirit worked faith in your heart to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. At the time of your confirmation, you acknowledged that God, at your Baptism, gave you faith in Jesus, forgiveness of

The Gift of Prayer

Knowing how and what to pray can be difficult, but God has taken great pains to help us learn to pray.

Even Atheists Pray

Discover why so many Americans still pray, even though they admit they don’t believe in God.

No is a Good Thing

It’s easy to know when God has answered our prayers, but what about the times when prayers seem to make no difference?

He Speaks, We Listen

What makes the Lord’s Prayer different? See why God loves to hear you pray this prayer. by Rev. Paul Beisel If Lutherans followed the advice of Martin Luther, they would find themselves praying the Lord’s Prayer five times per day. Luther took prayer seriously. In the Small Catechism, he instructs Christians to pray the Lord’s

Values and Priorities

Interested in the Synod’s fiscal status? President Harrison addresses the issues of transparency, responsibility and the way forward.

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