The Magazine

Distance Education Fosters Ministry to Hmong People

by Sandy Wood Dr. Lang Yang’s story highlights how a flexible, non-traditional route to ordination is expanding the ethnic diversity within the LCMS and supporting the leaders of immigrant churches in using their knowledge of language and culture to spread the Gospel. Yang, 42, is of Hmong origin. He was born in Laos and immigrated

Pastoral Education

God’s desire is that the Gospel be proclaimed anywhere and everywhere, without limitations of geography, culture, or time.

Equipped for Hawaiian Ministry

by Sandy Wood Becoming a pastor of a church in Hawaii was not what Rev. Joshua Schneider had in mind when he decided to pursue a degree in biology and chemistry in college. But God had a plan. “By the last half of my senior year in college, through a variety of influences including my

Lutheran Witness: May 2010

Welcome to the month of May. In many parts of this nation—and the northern hemisphere—spring is in full bloom and summer waits impatiently just around the corner. Everywhere we look, we are reminded of the glorious world given to us by our Creator.

Lutheran Witness: April 2010

April. It’s hard to believe that we are well into A.D.
2010—in the year of our Lord 2010, that is—and
that Easter, glorious Easter, is upon us.

Concerning grief

Thank you, Dolores Hatfield, for bringing some much needed practical attention to the subject of grief in your February letter to the editor. Everything stated in “Grief Doesn’t Run on Schedule” should be understood and brought to the attention of well-meaning friends and pastors. Until a person experiences a loss that changes your life forever,

Breaking down stereotypes

As a missionary in Taiwan, I have always enjoyed reading The Lutheran Witness. After reading the articles, I feel connected with the Church around the world and refreshed in my personal faith. However, as I read the February issue, I noticed something. In all the pictures, whether articles or ads, there seems to be a

We stand corrected

In February’s “Family Counselor,” Dr. William B. Knippa stated that “We affirm in the Apostles’ Creed our belief in ‘God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.’” His reference is from the Nicene Creed, not the Apostles’ Creed. Since so many people are only too willing to

Rural Ministry

I was very impressed and encouraged by your article “It’s Not All Downhill!” in the February Lutheran Witness. Small churches need the encouragement to know that there is an alternative to declining attendance and membership. Most rural churches, especially in Middle America, are small, and many are declining. In some cases, they may be the

School Days

I’d like to comment about the February issue of The Lutheran Witness and about rural ministries. I went to a one-room school with eight grades, and I’m probably telling my age, so I’ll tell you it was a small farming community at Lutherville, Ark. I’m not advocating going back to this type of education, but

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