The Magazine

Shedding Some Light

Anticipation At the Kansas District LWML convention in Salina one spring, we celebrated Easter all weekend. He is risen! and He is risen indeed! rang out with regularity. During one of the weekend’s sermons, a pastor was talking about Paul’s letters to various congregations, encouraging them, chiding them, and giving thanks for them. I was

New Mercies Every Spring . . . New Mercies Every Day!

by Rev. Donald Anthony Photo © Max Bukovski/ My dad and I enjoyed the CB radio. In order for me to keep my CB privileges, I had the responsibility of taking care of the family lawn. My dad supplied the lawn mower, the gas, and the clippers (that was before the weed-eater). As our CB

Lutheran Witness: May 2010

Welcome to the month of May. In many parts of this nation—and the northern hemisphere—spring is in full bloom and summer waits impatiently just around the corner. Everywhere we look, we are reminded of the glorious world given to us by our Creator.

Lutheran Witness: April 2010

April. It’s hard to believe that we are well into A.D.
2010—in the year of our Lord 2010, that is—and
that Easter, glorious Easter, is upon us.

Taking Responsibility

by Theresa M. Shaltanis My daughter will graduate from high school in June. She’s a good kid, but doesn’t help much around the house. It seems I am either nagging her or picking up after her. She’ll go away to college next year, and I know I’ll miss her terribly. How do I balance the

Shedding Some Light

Not Really a Secret It was that time of the year, late April, and my Sunday school class of 15, including my own girls, Jeannie, 14, and Cindy, 8, were with me, walking along the side of a road and picking up a winter’s worth of litter. Our trash bags were almost full when Cindy

Isaiah’s Easter Feast

In Isaiah, we find not only a warning of universal judgment but also a foretaste of Easter’s resurrection joy and a promise of the glorious eternal banquet that awaits in heaven.

Recipients of God’s Miraculous Grace

by Rev. Donald Anthony The Resurrection by Gustave Doré Each Sunday, our church was providing bookmarkers with information about people from our history. On the opposite side of the marker was a brief excerpt from our church history. Our members looked forward to and enjoyed receiving the markers, which were being designed and donated by

Resurrection Reflections

Christmas might be our favorite holiday, but Easter is the queen of Christian festivals, the culmination of God’s plan of salvation and the reason our faith is not futile.

Easter and the Promise of Life

How joyous it is to recall that above all else, Easter, the festival of our Lord’s resurrection, gives us the assurance of eternal life in Jesus Christ and the certainty of our own resurrection.

The Difference Easter Makes

by Dr. Carl Albert Gieseler Good Friday 1960 is the 95th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s death. Had he lived to finish his second term, the history of our country would no doubt have been far different. “With malice toward none, with charity for all,” the great war President would have carried out his plans to

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