Lutheran Witness: December 2012

This month, we focus on our church’s pastors—those men who preach, teach and baptize in and by Christ’s stead here on earth—and the ways in which the Synod can pray and care for them.

Lutheran Witness: November 2012

This month, we focus on our church’s pastors—those men who preach, teach and baptize in and by Christ’s stead here on earth—and the ways in which the Synod can pray and care for them.

Lutheran Witness: September 2012

This issue of The Lutheran Witness seeks to set the facts on the “State of the Synod” right under your nose. There are challenges aplenty, but there are many, many blessings and things over which to rejoice.

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2012

This issue discusses the trend of “do-it-yourself” or “cafeteria” religion—what one of our authors calls choosing our doctrines from a “buffet of beliefs.”

Lutheran Witness: May 2012

In the May issue of The Lutheran Witness, we find out why Christ loves to hear our prayers and why He delights in them.

Lutheran Witness: March 2012

Unpack Lutheran education and the philosophy from which it stems, focusing on the joy of residential seminary education, instructing Christ’s little ones and teaching the faith in the home.

Lutheran Witness: February 2012

Unpack Lutheran education and the philosophy from which it stems, focusing on the joy of residential seminary education, instructing Christ’s little ones and teaching the faith in the home.

Lutheran Witness: January 2012

Reflecting on the barrage of disasters in 2011 brings to mind the plea of the Psalmist: “How long, O Lord, will you look on?” (Ps. 35:17).

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