Current Series

Our Great Heritage: Bernard of Clairvaux

Though not without error in his life and teaching, this French abbot loved Christ, and his confession of faith rings down through the ages.

Our Great Heritage: Boniface of Mainz

As missionary to the Germans, he boldly confessed Christ as Lord and paved the way for Christianity to spread through Europe and beyond.

Our Great Heritage: Augustine

A heathen turned heretic turned Christian, this church father helped defend the church against the heresy of works righteousness.

Our Great Heritage: Perpetua and Felicitas

These two women faced death on account of their faith, supporting one another in friendship and trusting always in the love of Christ.

Our Great Heritage: Paul the Apostle

Once a persecutor of the church, he was called by Christ to share His Good News with the Gentiles — and, down the centuries, with us.

Our Great Heritage: What Is History?

As a Christian, you already know what history is about: Jesus coming to save you.

On a Lucas Cranach Portrait

Through Cranach’s portraits of Johann Friedrich I over his life, we see the life of Christian suffering depicted.

On “Easter Mystery” by Maurice Denis

Maurice Denis’ mysterious Easter scene conveys the prophecies fulfilled, and the life won for us, in the Resurrection.

On “A Time to Keep” by Tasha Tudor

Family traditions show our children that our seemingly mundane and fleeting lives can be a reflection of the eternal life we are meant for.

On “It Is Finished” by James Tissot

Tissot gave the viewer unvarnished slices of biblical life, based on his own experiences in those places where our Lord actually walked.

On “The Annunciation” by Fra Angelico: Receiving the Gift of Jesus

Adam and Eve’s sin brought death, while the seed of woman brought life.

On “Saint Martin and the Beggar” by El Greco

In any act of Christian charity, we see Christ.

Lukas Cranach, Proclaimer of the Gospel in Visual Form

While Luther proclaimed the doctrine of justification in words, Lukas Cranach brought out this theology visually through his art.

On ‘Anna Karenina’: A prescient critique of sexual disorder

Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.

On ‘Brideshead Revisited’: A Hopeful Community

Brideshead Revisited paints a picture of the church as a hopeful community for those who have lost hope in everything else.

On ‘Huckleberry Finn’: When Community Fails

Mark Twain’s novel depicts the depths of human sin and cruelty while, at the same time, showing us the heights of human goodness.

On ‘Hannah Coulter’: Conforming our memories to Christ

By conforming her memory to Christ, Hannah has a foretaste of heaven and a vision of eternity.

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and Christian Love in the Three Estates

Love of neighbor is the end of all vocations, no matter the estate to which you are called.

Jane Austen and the Virtuous Woman

Without ever using words like “sanctification,” Austen beautifully shows us what it looks like.

“Conventionality is not morality”: What ‘Jane Eyre’ Teaches About True Virtue

Charlotte Brontë wants us to think about the difference between things that are good and things that look good.

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