Living Together Before Marriage

by Richard C. Eyer As I sat in the waiting room thumbing through the only magazines available–women’s magazines–I skimmed an article intending to prepare young women for having sex on a first date. There were no prohibitions for doing so, only precautions about the kind of men with whom a woman should allow herself to

Fathers and Sons

On Father’s Day, many dads will celebrate and fire up the barbeque grill. But fathers have a greater responsibility, too…serving as role models for their sons.

A timely reminder

God be praised for the wonderful “What’s New at Our Concordias?” found in the April Lutheran Witness. It is good for LCMS members to know that our colleges and universities continue to find innovative ways to bring solid Lutheran higher education to increasing numbers of people, both extending Gospel witness and staying solvent in the

Buy the Field!

by R. Reed Lessing The year is 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king, is establishing his headquarters at Riblah in modern-day Syria. Having destroyed the Judean fortresses at Lachish and Azekah, his troops are beginning to lay siege to the prize, the jewel, the crown of his military campaign, Jerusalem (cf. 2 Kings

Praising God through music

I have just re-read “Nurturing Tomorrow’s Church Musicians” in the March Lutheran Witness, and I had to write and thank you for a wonderful tribute to the Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. It was especially nice connecting names and faces of young people experiencing what must be a life-changing time for them. The entire

Marriage is no barrier

I am writing in response to the April online letter, “Helping Church Workers.” I agree that the cost of seminary training and the debt accrued from four years of schooling is a hardship for many new pastors entering the ministry. Many of the students at the seminary are coming straight out of an undergraduate program

Uncovering History

A Lutheran pastor’s Civil War diaries spotlight an “amazing story” and an enduring ministry.

A comforting multigenerational commitment

Father, Dr. Walter A. “WAM” Maier, and son, Dr. Paul L. Maier, in all of their 40-plus books, never, ever reduced Christ’s Resurrection. The heart, mind, and rescue of those Resurrection hours altered the course of human history. The recent Maier piece (April) only reconfirms this most recent thrust into the depths of despair, disappointment,

By faith

Regarding Dr. Paul Maier’s April article, “Reservations about the Resurrection?”: In answering the argument of the Resurrection doubters that “if the Resurrection really happened, it would have been reported exactly and with no disagreements,” the author cites the example of his students, whose powers of observation miserably failed the test Dr. Maier planted by having

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