“Our help is in the name of the Lord …”
“… who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 124:8). Have you ever stopped to think about what these familiar words mean for you?
“… who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 124:8). Have you ever stopped to think about what these familiar words mean for you?
We can’t safeguard our loved ones from every danger. We’re only human. But there is One who provides ultimate protection — Jesus Christ.
A radio producer answers common questions about podcasting: What is it? Who listens? And (most importantly) should my church try it?
When facing criticism, do you respond with denial? despair? defensiveness? Or do you instead see (and seize) the opportunity to learn and grow?
Online connections can lead to in-store purchases or in-person coffee dates, but they can also draw people to the Church and to the saving Word of God.
Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25 that when we serve our neighbor, we are serving Him. Even more, Jesus directs Christians to see God in those we serve.
Our hope is not in the grinding of the gears on the universal clock that takes us from year into new year. Our hope is in the one, true God.
“Keep Christ in Christmas!” the billboards and yard signs tell us. But what does it mean for us to keep both “Christ” and “Mass” in Christmas?
When Victor Nelson flew from Albany to Louisville on Reformation Day, he brought along a costume, a bag of KitKats — and a heart for sharing the Gospel.
To see Jesus only as either a zealous renegade or an ardent traditionalist is to ignore His true and fundamental identity.
Most of us choose to skip Advent for the soft glow of a secularized holiday. But what if we gave this wonderful, preparatory season our full attention?
Thanksgiving worship services, held at the request of the government, seem strange in modern America. Some may wonder if the request is even appropriate.