One Message: Christ
The 63rd Regular LCMS Convention meets July 14-19 in Houston. Learn about the nominees for president and their insights on the needs of the church.
The 63rd Regular LCMS Convention meets July 14-19 in Houston. Learn about the nominees for president and their insights on the needs of the church.
Fan into Flame kindles ministry in Florida. Historic church in Russsia reclaimed.
With the help of modern technology, KFUO, the radio ministry of the LCMS, now reaches listeners in every corner of the world 24/7.
The recent Christ Call of Uwe Siemon-Netto (June Witness) for Lutheran Christians—in combating racism, threats, and the torments of today’s dark night of terrorism—is a continuing Christ Call, heard down through the ages. The cause of racism is fear—and this fear has a stranglehold on the local and global community. As a professor for thirty …
I’d like to comment on something I read in the convention preview article in the June/July issue. Under the Human Care floor committee section were the words “assisting congregations in ministering to undocumented immigrants.” It wasn’t too long ago we were fighting over the description “anti-abortion” vs. “Pro-Life.” Somehow, we are afraid to be called …
Thank you for the interesting article regarding race relations in the most recent Witness issue. The author makes some excellent points. The irony, however, is how the article itself only underscores the problem of “hypocrisy” being discussed. The author states, “What interests me is what we Lutherans are doing to remedy this situation. We have …
I appreciate your article in the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness that featured the priorities of the candidates for President of Synod. It was interesting to note that the #1 priority [of the candidates] varies from being inward focused to outward focused. The laypeople look to Synod leadership for both guidance and support. Because …
I am having trouble understanding how a pastor has the power to forgive or not forgive our sins. Where is the Office of the Keys found in the Bible? Did Christ give the Church this power and, if so, where is this found in the Scriptures? K.L., Texas The answer to your question is clearly …
by Dr. Randy Schroeder Our friends and their daughter recently signed a “pact” whereby the daughter promises to remain a virgin until she is married. I understand this is a growing practice. As a parent of a teenage daughter myself, I’d like some insight on what you think about it, and whether you have ideas …
Bible study at the Round TableOur grandson Noble Wulffraat, a first-grader, has always loved being read to and now is just as enthusiastic about reading alone. He even began reading the family Bible to himself, but found it pretty slow going. His birthday was coming soon, so he told his mother he wanted a Bible …
What is a human being? An Animal? A machine? A computer? A god? Being fully and genuinely human calls for both active and passive righteousness…
Preparing pastors for mission—and a mission to prepare pastors.