The Problem With Random Acts of Kindness
Christian love is specific and sacrificial. It is meted out through the concentric circles of our vocation.
Christian love is specific and sacrificial. It is meted out through the concentric circles of our vocation.
Making a few changes in how you listen may yield a surprising increase in your personal takeaways from the Sunday sermon.
While the Law/Gospel distinction is one of the basics of Lutheran theology, distinguishing them rightly is one of the most difficult Christian arts.
The matter of the inerrancy of Holy Scripture is a matter of faith, not sight.
We take these topics up because they are difficult teachings of Scripture, teachings that perhaps Christians feel a bit ashamed about or find difficult to understand.
The October Lutheran Witness takes up several “Difficult Teachings of Scripture.”
Many of us feel uncomfortable when praying out loud. Here is some practical guidance for doing so.
Writ large, the Barbie conundrum is really a human conundrum. We long for something ideal and perfect and good, but …
Mission trips can be a great and lasting tool for teaching and forming stewards.
Attacks on the historicity of Scripture’s account of Jesus are quickly answered with a discussion on the sources of the life of Christ, the New Testament and the commentaries of the Early Church fathers.
The Holy Spirit uses our witness to Christ’s work to clear roadblocks and prepare the path for faith. That is the apologetic task.
The September issue of The Lutheran Witness digs in to the relationship between archaeology and apologetics.