The Ballad of Baby Peach

When we welcome the three-legged chickens, we very often find ourselves surprised and delighted by the ways God blesses our lives.

The Paradoxical Church

The Church is a paradox. She is the Bride of Christ, ‘spotless,’ ‘holy.’ And yet she only appears in this world hidden under the guise of poor sinners.

Una Sancta — One Holy

We’re talking about your church family, the people of God. In this family, you gather to receive from Jesus what only He can give: Himself in Word and Sacrament.

Write for LW in 2021: Part 2

For 140 years, The Lutheran Witness has taught and educated English-speaking Lutherans all over the world. We teach what the Bible teaches.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

As we struggle to look at the world from a Lutheran perspective — that is, a biblical perspective — we must learn to identify and struggle against the idols that tempt us to abandon or neglect seeking first the kingdom of God.

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