Waiting for Him

We all wait. Sometimes we wait for others impatiently. Sometimes we wait for changes discontentedly. Sometimes we wait for ourselves …

Pure Christ: How To Read the Bible

The words in this book are God’s words, and therefore this Bible (book) is “holy.” It is different from any other book. And we read it differently

Lutheran Witness: February 2021

The February Lutheran Witness reminds us to “Return to the Word” of God — at church, in prayer, through reading, and in family devotions.

Our ‘Sole Source and Norm of Doctrine’

In this important section of our Lutheran Book of Concord, the Lutheran church confesses this important distinction regarding the Bible as the “sole source and norm of doctrine,” yet faithfully confessed.

As You Proclaim Him

We need the protection Jesus provides in Holy Communion. After the Last Supper, Jesus warned Peter that Satan would sift him like wheat.

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