Letter From the Editor

Dust to Dust

A Christian funeral is a great and final confession. This issue of The Lutheran Witness will help you think about planning your own.

Pastor, I have a question …

This month’s issue begins with an introduction to the Church Worker Recruitment Initiative. In the rest of the issue, LCMS professional church workers answer the questions they most commonly receive in their service to Christ’s church.

Una Sancta — One Holy

We’re talking about your church family, the people of God. In this family, you gather to receive from Jesus what only He can give: Himself in Word and Sacrament.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

As we struggle to look at the world from a Lutheran perspective — that is, a biblical perspective — we must learn to identify and struggle against the idols that tempt us to abandon or neglect seeking first the kingdom of God.

Four Views on Jesus

As a composer uses harmonizing strains to form one grand piece of music, so also the Gospels create a full picture of Jesus Christ.

Written in the … Word

Whether superstition or false belief, let’s repent and turn to the Lord. We fear, love and trust in Him above all things. And He provides as He has promised and in accordance with His will.

Return to the Word

His Word is a lamp to our feet that guides us on the path of His righteousness.

A Chaste and Decent Life

Chastity takes place throughout the entire life of the believer. It encompasses not simply the acts occurring in the bedroom, but the life we live together and before the world, in the clothes we wear, the jokes we tell, even the movies we watch.

And the Word Tabernacled Among Us

The tabernacle signified God’s presence among His people Israel. Now, we look to Jesus to see the place of God’s presence among His people.

No Other Gospel: Galatians and the Reformation

Do not desert Him who called you in Christ Jesus. There is no other Gospel than that which we preached to you: “A person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ” (Gal. 2:16).

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