The Magazine

Sharing the Hope We Have

Nearly every day God provides each believer with opportunities to share the life-giving message of salvation.

Lutheran Witness: December 2008

December. It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another. That with Advent upon us, we have embarked on another journey of faith through the church year.

Shedding Some Light

Natural disasters such as the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes cause terrible damage and create much stress on communities and families affected by them. Yet even in such difficult circumstances, God’s people sometimes find rays of humor—such as the following anonymous (and popular) Internet/e-mail collection—in their day-to-day efforts to cope. Our sense of humor: It’s another

Thanksgiving Cornucopia

by Rev. Terence Groth Many of our homes feature a cornucopia as part of our traditional Thanksgiving decorations. The curved goat’s horn overflowing with fruit and ears of grain serves as both a celebration of our abundance and an encouragement to thank God for it. Likewise, as the Scriptures speak of thanksgiving they overflow with

Blessed to Be a Blessing

As we approach the Thanksgiving season, I thank God for the blessing of being an American citizen and a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Our best-kept secret

I had to let you know the Mission Central article on Gary Thies (September) arrived just as our church was planning a bus trip to Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa. I didn’t know what to expect, since I had never heard Gary Thies or toured Mission Central. So the story gave me some insight into

The Three R’s

Praise God for Dr. James Lamb and his dedication to life! (“Life Issues: Renewing the Three R’s,” September). His simple three R’s formula to renew our church’s commitment to life issues is one that can be implemented by every one of us. I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Lamb that our churches are responsible for raising

Plowing through the muck

“Much Ado about Nothing” (September) is an inspiring example of how Prof. Paul Maier plows through the mire and muck of much of the spiritual junk food of our day. We are on the same team. In fact, his story reminds me of how his father, the world-renowned Lutheran Hour speaker, Dr. Walter Maier, hit

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