The Magazine

The Prodigal Father

by Rev. Ben Eder Sunday, June 15, is Father’s Day. A familiar Bible text regarding fathers is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Although this story is usually told from the perspective of the “lost son,” what about the father in the story? What was his responsibility? And how does he respond to the wanderings—and


We have all met them. They walk in, talk to a few people they know, leave after the service, and are not seen again until another holiday.

Making Choices in the Civic Arena

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I turned 18 this year, and I am excited to vote in the upcoming presidential election. I’ve been following the race and talking with friends and family about my views. My parents and I disagree about presidential candidates for a number of reasons. They imply that I’m wrong because I’m

Shedding Some Light

Why Go to Church? A reader wrote a letter to the editor of his local newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I’ve heard perhaps 1,500 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember

Peace in Anxious Times

We are living in a time of anxiety, conflict, and concern. People are anxious today about employment and job stability; about the price of gas, other fuels, and food; and about the future leadership of our country.

Luther’s Journey with Paul: For Further Reading

Books on Luther and Paul, or on the history of Pauline interpretation, are often quite technical (and often in German). However, here are a few possibilities for further reading that are relatively accessible and provide broader background for the topics touched on in my story that appears in this issue of The Lutheran Witness.

What God wants us to see

I enjoyed so much the article “Seeing what God wants us to see” in the April edition of The Lutheran Witness. It brought to mind a personal experience that I had some years ago. I had always had a fear of flying and was dreading my upcoming flight to Toronto on business.  I had only flown

Pastors Available

I read with interest President Kieschnick’s article, Pastors Wanted, projecting the synod’s need for pastors in the next 10 years and appealing to congregations and pastors “to think of men to whom the Lord has given such gifts (for the pastoral ministry)” … and to “encourage these men to consider the ministry.”  This past April,

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2008

As with last month, we are overflowing with feature stories, beginning with our Reformation cover story by Dr. Robert A. Kolb and Dr. Charles P. Arand.

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