The Magazine

The Little Church That Could

With just a handful of members, a mission congregation in a suburb of Dallas, Texas, proves you don’t have to be big to make a difference.

Shedding Some Light

A ‘Reading’ Lesson Every once in a while, at bedtime, Zachary, my 7-year-old, needs to talk. Sometimes he simply melts down. Everything seems so bad. But if you lie with him long enough and listen, things get better. Last night was one of those occasions. At one point he began to cry. He had lost

Jesus (and His Followers) on Trial

by Dr. John W. Oberdeck The Eighth Commandment plays a significant role at the trial of Jesus. Luther’s Small Catechism explains that bearing false witness involves telling lies, betraying, slandering, and hurting a neighbor’s reputation. These do more than damage Jesus’ reputation at His trial, however. They lead to sin against the Fifth Commandment—Jesus’ death

Playing Second Fiddle

by Dr. Randy Schroeder My mother-in-law is overly involved with my wife. They talk on the phone several times a day, and my wife calls every night to tell her when our 1-year-old son falls asleep. The two of them even take frequent two- to three-day vacations together. At times, I feel like I’m playing

Reconciled to God and Each Other

Because of Christ Jesus and what He did for us, God forgives our sins, which makes it not only our duty, but our privilege, to forgive and reconcile with those who sin against us.

What’s in a name?

I read with interest the article by Rev. Ronald E. Nelson entitled  “Mosaic—a Multiethnic Multigenerational Church Start” (“Fan into Flame,” September). I am pleased that the California-Nevada-Hawaii District is making the effort to reach out in this  way, and also with the “successful” results, with 210 people attending the “first celebration event.” But I am

A Thing of Beauty

The November issue of The Lutheran Witness was a thing of beauty and a joy forever. From “Partners” through Pastor Wismar’s uplifting explication of Advent through “New Life in Greensburg” and on to “On Words and Vocations” backed by “Harvest and Thanksgiving”–and everything in between with no exception–this issue was exceptional. Thanks for all you

Lutheran Witness: February 2008

Because of Christ Jesus and what He did for us, God forgives our sins, which makes it not only our duty, but our privilege, to forgive and reconcile with those who sin against us. Read more in this issue of The Lutheran Witness

Taking an Extra Step in Fresno

by Paula Schlueter Ross Anita Olvera’s passion for her ‘family’ opens doors—and hearts Anita Olvera still has trouble thinking of what she does as “evangelism.” As the self-described “social-ministries person” at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fresno, Calif., Olvera took the congregation’s “adopt a family at Christmas” ministry to a new level when she suggested “adopting”

The Call to Nineveh: Jonah’s and Ours

Jonah wasn’t keen on sharing his faith with the Ninevites, but just as God called Jonah to bring His Word to those people, so also He calls us to share our faith today.

Youth Ablaze!

Imagine: Confirmation classes so enjoyable that young people invite their friends. New York youth events build relationships with Jesus & community among young people.

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