The Magazine


2007 National Youth Gathering termed “the church at its best.” Reflections and photos from this year’s Gathering.

In His Corner

NFL Hall of Famer Roger Wehrli cites God’s abiding presence in enshrinement speech.

“Letting Go” of a Child

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My 15-year-old daughter wants to be more independent. I realize this is a normal part of growing up. However, her father is finding it very hard to “let go” and wants to maintain the same degree of control over her. How can he and I work this out to the

Chosen and Blessed

“CHOSEN” was the theme of this year’s National Youth Gathering —a major purpose of which is to help our young people grow in their understanding of who they are as CHOSEN ones of our gracious God.

Poster Power

Urban Sunday-school kids realize they, too, can reach out to children in other countries with the Good News of Jesus.

Fan Into Flame: Igniting Hearts

by Ron Nelson Expansion begins in Novosibirsk, Siberia Thanks to a designated gift from a donor, Fan into Flame has sent $15,000 for the permits to begin construction of an expanded worship and training center at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church in Novosibirsk. Located in the Siberian Federal District, Christ the Savior serves as a

Making Hay

As a farmer with many tasks that need to be done quickly when weather permits, too often I miss Sunday services. Is it better for me to sit in church and think about my hay, or for me to sit on a load of hay and think about the Lord? This sort of question confronts

Good News for Today

by Rodney Rathmann Regularly we interact with friends, neighbors, and relatives who are living unfulfilling and rebellious lives outside of God’s grace, with little or no understanding of God’s love and forgiveness in Christ Jesus. Such was the condition of the woman Jesus met one day at a Samaritan well (John 4:1–40). As with that

Spiritual Support for Families Challenged

After reading the June/July 2007 Lutheran Witness, I am moved to write regarding the “Family Counselor” letter. A pastor was concerned for a family of adoption who struggles with behavior challenges and hence has limited church attendance. We could be that family. We are one of those families. We have lovely children who, when not

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