The Magazine

The Synod in Convention

One Message—Christ! His Love is Here for You!
This is the theme for the Synod’s triennial national convention.

By Faith we believe in the Resurrection

The latest article by Dr. Paul L. Maier— “The Mystery of the Missing Body”(April)—hits the doctrinal nail on the head. We Christians know of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by faith, so that no amount of fallacious arguments or outlandish theories to the contrary will impress or sway us. We should not be

Defending the Unborn

I was deeply offended by the letters to the editor column in the March issue of The Lutheran Witness. While emotions run high on the stem-cell debate, the position of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has been unwavering: From the moment of conception, human beings are precious in the sight of God. I understand the editor’s

Seeking Ablaze!

Each month I look forward to receiving The Lutheran Witness. I especially enjoy reading the mission-outreach articles, e.g., South Africa (April), Cambodia (February), early-childhood centers (December), and Indonesia (October). Missionaries we support come alive when we can read firsthand their stories from the mission field. However, looking back seven months I see no articles that

KFUO Then and Now: Tours Remain Popular

 by James Heine Over KFUO’s eight decades of service to the LCMS, more than a few readers of The Lutheran Witness may have passed through its doors on a tour, observes Dennis Stortz, director of broadcast operations for the radio station. Many of those tours have been organized by LWML or LLL groups, other parish

Famous Footsteps

Have you ever been thrilled to walk where someone famous had previously walked?

Chastity Pact

by Dr. Randy Schroeder Our friends and their daughter recently signed a “pact” whereby the daughter promises to remain a virgin until she is married. I understand this is a growing practice. As a parent of a teenage daughter myself, I’d like some insight on what you think about it, and whether you have ideas

What Gives the Pastor the Power to Absolve?

I am having trouble understanding how a pastor has the power to forgive or not forgive our sins. Where is the Office of the Keys found in the Bible? Did Christ give the Church this power and, if so, where is this found in the Scriptures? K.L., Texas The answer to your question is clearly

Get A Life – A Human Life!

What is a human being? An Animal? A machine? A computer? A god? Being fully and genuinely human calls for both active and passive righteousness…

Shedding Some Light

Bible study at the Round TableOur grandson Noble Wulffraat, a first-grader, has always loved being read to and now is just as enthusiastic about reading alone. He even began reading the family Bible to himself, but found it pretty slow going. His birthday was coming soon, so he told his mother he wanted a Bible

Is God Green?

The Bible gives us a powerful sense of our place in the world and what it means to love God, serve our neighbors, and appreciate and respect creation.

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