The Magazine

Christian Soldiers

by Rev. Andrew Simcak Jr. Whether you know it or not, you, dear Christian, are at war! We need to man our battle stations because we are in a life-and-death struggle against enemies determined to overcome us for time and eternity. The war began in Eden’s garden when our first parents, Adam and Eve, brought

Family Counselor: Pornography in the Marriage

by Dr. William B. Knippa I was startled recently when I discovered my husband looking at pornographic Web sites on the Internet. At first he denied it was a problem, but he has since confessed that he has been doing this for quite a while. We are in the process of counseling for this, but

The Task at Hand

In response to Rev. Oscar Gerken’s November 2006 comments regarding the supposed error in the Lutheran Service Book, there is no error. From childhood on I have loved singing “take the task He gives you gladly” and have had no trouble understanding that line. There is such a thing as poetic license. That line appears

Taking Christ to Cambodia

Gospel doors are opening in this Buddhist country, where the murderous Pol Pot regime and the dream of a Cambodian refugee sparked the start of the country’s first LCMS-affiliated congregation.

A Joyful Lent

During Lent, we Christians take time to reflect, to confess, and to repent. But repentance is also a joy—a gift from God that changes our hearts and lives.

Torn Shirt

Tearing our garments and dumping ashes on our heads to demonstrate our repentance are anachronistic today. What replaces them in our lives as we enter Lent?

The Blind Are Leading the Blind

Lutheran Blind Mission is out to prove there is powerful truth in the phrase “the blind leading the blind” when it comes to leading people to Christ.

Beautiful Wheels

The doctor’s blunt pronouncement hit me squarely between the eyes: “You have macular degeneration.”

Hopes and Dreams

What hopes, dreams, or goals do you have for the future—for yourself and for your family? What about for your church?

A Faithful Story?

I was disappointed to read that Dr. Albrecht felt The Nativity Story (December) was “faithful to the biblical account.” How could he fail to note the inaccuracies regarding the Magi and the glaring omission regarding the announcement to the shepherds? Concerning the juxtaposition of the shepherds and the Magi, I hope the filmmakers weren’t suggesting

Get in the trenches!

Thank you for Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto’s painfully truthful article, “We Are Needed: Are Lutherans Afraid to Take on the World?” (November ’06). Although I understand the paramount importance of our pastors, in their sermons, preaching the Law and Gospel and properly distinguishing between the two, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if their sermons did something more

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