The Magazine

Who Communes the Pastor?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz We are longtime Missouri Synod Lutherans who believe in the real presence of the body and blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. However, we and other members of our congregation are offended by a practice recently introduced by our pastor. During the Communion service, he communes himself. Is this proper?

You Can Go Home Again

by Dr. William B. Knippa Our son is graduating from college, and as parents, we couldn’t be prouder. But we are a bit chagrined that he plans to move back home with us while he looks for a job. We’ve gotten used to being empty-nesters and aren’t sure how we can make this work for

Shedding Some Light

Random Thoughts for the Last Days of Summer A mousetrap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. Kathryn Gritts St. Louis, Mo. You know your commute to work has become too much when you sit at your desk

With All the Company of Heaven

The Lutheran Service Book includes a list of commemorations and festivals honoring God for His work through various people in Scripture and in the history of the Church. But one is different than all the others: St. Michael and All Angels.

Lutheran Witness: September 2010

The summer is nearly over, but the beauty of fall awaits. As you enjoy those final sips of lemonade, also take comfort in God’s deep, enduring love and mercy in Christ. Those are the lasting treasures that truly know no season!

Comforting words indeed

The courageous May “Lifeline” story of Nancy Callies’s confrontation with disease and death becomes eternally important as she reaches for Luther’s favorite Psalm (46). This pastor’s wife brings to Lutheran Witness readers a true Mother’s Day message: “Be still and know that I am God.” In the midst of suffering, jihad fears, and economic uncertainties,

The fruits of her labor

I appreciated your article on Tilahun Mendedo, our new president here at Concordia College in Selma. I have only one complaint, and that is when your author remarked that Dr. Rosa Young (the founder of Concordia) was not a Lutheran. While she may not have been one when she first contacted the Synodical Conference, she

A worthy diet

 Thank you for the recent theological articles such as “The Forgotten Holiday” (May) that have appeared in recent issues of The Lutheran Witness. In my mind, little else could be more “practical” than knowing why we believe what we believe. Indeed, a regular diet of theology helps us to “think God’s thoughts after Him.” Darin

Big Decisions in a Big City

Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod made important decisions that will chart the course of the Synod for years to come.

Suffering Together, Rejoicing Together

After his election July 13, Rev. Harrison addressed the convention and introduced his wife, Kathy, to the assembly. Here is the edited text of his brief statement.

Who is Matthew Harrison?

Interested in getting to know President-elect Harrison? Find out who he is, where he’s from, and what he has to say.

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