Current Series
Our Great Heritage: J.A.O. Preus II
This preacher, teacher, translator and LCMS president confessed the joyous reality of Christ and His resurrection found in Scripture.
Our Great Heritage: Rosa Young
Spurred on by a deep love for her neighbor, Rosa Young brought education and the Gospel to a region deeply in need.
Our Great Heritage: C.F.W. Walther
Faced with false confession or schism, he chose the hard path, navigated extreme challenges, and helped establish our church body.
Our Great Heritage: J.S. Bach
This talented Lutheran musician continues to influence our music in church, in the symphony, and on the radio.
Our Great Heritage: Martin Chemnitz
“The Second Martin,” he helped the early Lutheran church navigate theological controversies and the deaths of its original leaders.
Our Great Heritage: Katharina von Bora Luther
Born noble, raised to be a nun, then marrying an outlaw reformer and dying in poverty — Katharina understood the cost of clinging to Christ.
Our Great Heritage: Martin Luther
This humble German pastor and professor sought to restore the teachings of Scripture and share the blessing of a comforted conscience.
On “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns”: Hope So Close I Can Taste It
This is the dark before dawn. In the morning, He’s coming for us.
On “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”: His Prize-Winning Harvest
Thanksgiving hymns are all about provision, the good earth, God’s bounty, and His joy in the physical world.
On “O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe”: A Hymn for Reformation Day and Halloween
My life is hid with Christ in God. I’m inside His armor. I get to see Him fight for me.
Nourishing Children’s Minds and Hearts with Beautiful Illustration
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.
On “The Kiss” by Gustave Klimt
Marriage is an image, a shadow of the ultimate marriage of Christ and the church.
On a Lucas Cranach Portrait
Through Cranach’s portraits of Johann Friedrich I over his life, we see the life of Christian suffering depicted.
On “Easter Mystery” by Maurice Denis
Maurice Denis’ mysterious Easter scene conveys the prophecies fulfilled, and the life won for us, in the Resurrection.
On ‘The Last Battle’: Hope in an Age of Political Woe
C.S. Lewis reminds us of our everlasting hope despite political turmoil.
On ‘Watership Down’ and the Life of the Christian
Richard Adams tells a story that is not overtly Christian but nonetheless reflects Christian truths.
On ‘Frankenstein’: Alienation and the Creature’s Need for Belonging
‘Frankenstein’ is a tragic picture of what happens when we don’t live according to our design for communion with our Creator and fellow creatures.
On ‘That Hideous Strength’: Christian Community, the Gate to All Good Adventure
Lewis’s novel shows us how Christ Himself is present in Christian community.
On ‘Till We Have Faces’: C.S. Lewis’s Comfort for the Post-Modern Evangelist
In this retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche, Lewis portrays God’s never-ceasing work to bring us to Himself.
On ‘Anna Karenina’: A prescient critique of sexual disorder
Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.
On ‘Brideshead Revisited’: A Hopeful Community
Brideshead Revisited paints a picture of the church as a hopeful community for those who have lost hope in everything else.