Searching Scripture

Greetings, O Favored Ones: The Lord Is with You

by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt Read Luke 1:26–38. Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel. He had good news for her. What words describe the nearness of God to Mary (v. 28)? What two ways does Gabriel say God is with Mary (vv. 28, 30)? What is Mary’s reaction to Gabriel? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Gabriel said

We Have Seen His Majesty

by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt Read 2 Peter 1:16–18. He was an eyewitness. St. Peter said he saw the majesty of Jesus. The word majesty is a kingly word. It has to do with greatness and power. Glory is another word for majesty. That’s what Peter says he and the other disciples saw. He recalls

Not Three, Not Two, but One King

by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt Read Matthew 2. It is a common picture this time of year: three kings, decked out in kingly robes, crowns and all, surrounding the baby Jesus in the manger to present their kingly gifts; three wise men on bent knee worshiping their Savior. But maybe this picture is not that

Christmas from the Angle of Angels

by Rev. Terence Groth Angels play such a prominent role in the story of our Lord’s birth that we might even tell the Christmas story from their perspective. The evangelist Luke sets the stage with the story of John the Baptist’s birth in Luke 1:5–25. John’s parents, the childless Zechariah and Elizabeth, “were both well

Thanksgiving Cornucopia

by Rev. Terence Groth Many of our homes feature a cornucopia as part of our traditional Thanksgiving decorations. The curved goat’s horn overflowing with fruit and ears of grain serves as both a celebration of our abundance and an encouragement to thank God for it. Likewise, as the Scriptures speak of thanksgiving they overflow with

Gospel: One Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures

by Rev. Terence Groth The old saying proposes: “One picture is worth a thousand words.” True enough. At the same time, some words of Scripture are so rich that it may take a thousand “pictures” to display their richness and depth. The word Gospel, the shorthand term for Scripture’s teaching of what God has done

First Day of School

by Rev. Terence Groth Early every fall a milestone event takes place all across America: Mothers send their children off to the first day of school. For some pupils this is a partial day in preschool or kindergarten. For others, it is a full day as a first-grader. For still others, it is the first

So, This Is Sainthood?

by Rev. Terence Groth Our Lutheran Confessions urge us to remember exemplary saints for two reasons: (1) “so that we may strengthen our faith when we see how they experienced grace and how they were helped by faith”; and (2) that we may “take the saints’ good works as an example” (AC XXI:1). Jesus testified

The Prodigal Father

by Rev. Ben Eder Sunday, June 15, is Father’s Day. A familiar Bible text regarding fathers is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Although this story is usually told from the perspective of the “lost son,” what about the father in the story? What was his responsibility? And how does he respond to the wanderings—and

The Miracle of Pentecost: A United and Harmonious Church

by Rev. Jeffrey Sippy An old adage says polite gentlemen do not speak poorly of another man’s bride. Can you imagine? Can you imagine someone speaking poorly about your spouse? Yet the Bride of Christ is often maligned and insulted by reckless and thoughtless words—sometimes by its own members. Criticism, complaint, and gossip are the

The Emmaus Disciples: Walking in the Faith

by Rev. Jeffrey Sippy Enoch walked with God; then he was no more” (Gen. 5:24 NIV). The Psalmist walks through the valley of the shadow of death, yet fears no evil (Ps. 23:4). The paralyzed man got up, took his mat, and walked home (Mark 2:9). How we walk, where we walk, and with whom

Seeing, Hearing, Touching Jesus

by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Touch Me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. (Luke 24:39 ESV) That is what Jesus said to His disciples in the locked room after He had risen from

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