Lutheran Witness: February 2022
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an overview of nine non-Christian religions and schools of thought, and responds to each with God’s truth.
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an overview of nine non-Christian religions and schools of thought, and responds to each with God’s truth.
The January issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on God’s design for the relationship between men and women, which culminates in marriage, a reflection of God’s redeeming work for His children.
The December issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses how the Christmas canticles — the Magnificat, Benedictus, Gloria in Excelsis and Nunc Dimittis — point to Christ year-round.
The November issue includes seven submissions by Lutheran writers on an array of topics — from the reflections of a pastor who buried 50 of his members over five years, to an article on what C.F.W. Walther teaches us about church and state.
The October Lutheran Witness provides a toolkit for reading and understanding the Book of Concord.
The September Lutheran Witness explores how Christian funerals can confess our hope in Christ, and provides counsel for planning your own.
In the August issue of The Lutheran Witness, LCMS church workers answer the questions they most commonly receive in their service to Christ’s church.
The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses Jesus’ holy Bride, the church, under the theme “Una Sancta — One Holy.”
The May issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the theme “Seek First the Kingdom of God,” exploring how this looks for Christians in a world full of temptations and idols.
The April issue of The Lutheran Witness focused on the four Gospel accounts under the theme “Four Views on Jesus.”
The March issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the dangers and pitfalls of superstition, under the theme “Written in the … Word.”
The February Lutheran Witness reminds us to “Return to the Word” of God — at church, in prayer, through reading, and in family devotions.