Lutheran Witness: May 2017
In the May issue, be encouraged that when it comes to persecution, your Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the Lord, keeps all of you, His children, in His mercy through it all.
In the May issue, be encouraged that when it comes to persecution, your Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the Lord, keeps all of you, His children, in His mercy through it all.
In the April issue, learn from your Savior, who hangs on a cross for you, lies in the tomb for you, and is risen – and returning! – all for you.
From climate change to Harambe, Big Bang to genetics, we’re talking science and faith in the March issue!
Are the Ten Commandments archaic or are they apropos?
This month, we’re looking at life issues—from the moment of conception to the instant of natural death.
This month, we’re shattering Christmas myths!
This month, as with each November, you’ll see a smattering of numbers and statistics regarding the people and work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
In the October issue, we’re focusing on all things Reformation!
Get a sneak peek on what will be discussed at this summer’s convention!
Bearing witness to Christ – on account of your Baptism and by His grace – doesn’t have to be scary or hard or intimidating. It simply starts and ends with Christ. Join us as we talk all things evangelism.
Those questions you have about the faith? They have answers.
A 360˚ view of mercy