The Magazine

On Chaplains

Thank you for your article on the ministry work of chaplains (“In the Shadow of Death . . . Chaplains Speak of Life Eternal,” August). As one who lives and works for and with the military, I know that the work of chaplains can be distant or close to home. One chaplain, Ch Richard Townes,

Ablaze! on the Road

Opportunities for telling the Good News abound—even when we’re busy with our hobbies.

Funeral Planning

  How grateful I am to The Lutheran Witness and to Jonathan Watt for raising the issue of funeral planning for Lutherans (September 2007 issue). I would simply suggest adding Sacrament to Word. The new Lutheran Service Book puts the two together in a remarkable way in the new Funeral Service. What a way to

One Road to Heaven?

Gene Edward Veith, is most certainly to be commended for so much in his Sept. 07 LW article, “Only One Road to Heaven?”  But he most certainly contradicts himself when he states, “The very concept of “heaven”. . ., is a distinctly Christian belief.  Supplemented with the belief in the resurrection of the body, the

Lutheran Witness: October 2007

In human terms, 500 years is a long time. The world in which Luther lived half a millennium ago seems distant and hazy when we compare it to the life we lead today.

Lutheran Witness: September 2007

magazine, is for laypeople, while Reporter, our monthly newspaper, is for professional church workers and congregational lay leaders. This principle has served us well

Spiritual Support for Families Challenged

After reading the June/July 2007 Lutheran Witness, I am moved to write regarding the “Family Counselor” letter. A pastor was concerned for a family of adoption who struggles with behavior challenges and hence has limited church attendance. We could be that family. We are one of those families. We have lovely children who, when not

Good News for Today

by Rodney Rathmann Regularly we interact with friends, neighbors, and relatives who are living unfulfilling and rebellious lives outside of God’s grace, with little or no understanding of God’s love and forgiveness in Christ Jesus. Such was the condition of the woman Jesus met one day at a Samaritan well (John 4:1–40). As with that

A Part of Chaplaincy Overlooked

I enjoyed reading the article “In The Shadow of Death,” however, I think you left out an important segment of the Ministry to the Armed Forces—Chaplains Assistants.  If assigned to a Chaplain, Chaplain Assistants have the job of protecting the Chaplain along with many other duties.  As the military is forever suffering a shortage of

Shedding Some Light

It’s the Thought that CountsAfter misbehaving and generally making a nuisance of himself all afternoon, young Jason was finally sent to his room for a time-out session. After the session ended, he emerged from his room and informed his mom that he had thought the situation over. “Then I prayed,” he added. “Fine,” said Mom,

Convention Coverage

I am generally very pleased with The Lutheran Witness and believe it to be a fine periodical that deserves greater circulation. I do, however, have one comment to make about the August issue and its convention coverage.  Surely there were pictures of the convention that would better reflect what it means for the Church to gather

Reclaiming our young

From my perspective, the article “Reclaiming the Church’s Young in a Culture of Change” by John W. Oberdeck (June/July 2007) did a great job of diagnosing youth today, but I consider it weak in affirming the power we have available for any and every problem that the devil throws at the church. I have been

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