The Magazine

The Khmer catechism

I read with great interest “Taking Christ to Cambodia” (February). The Lutheran faith is indeed taking root in this Buddhist country! In the article, missionary Peg Wolfram remarks on the growth of the Christian faith in Cambodia, speculating that perhaps it has been due to “having access to remote villages, identifying Christian leaders in the

Shedding Some Light

Forgive us our errant passesUncle Matt went to watch his nephews Ian, 5, and Brighton, 4, play basketball. Before the game, they were explaining to him the three different passes they had learned from their coach: the bounce pass, the overhead pass, and the trespass (also known as the chest pass.) You can tell they

Perplexed by LSB

I want to say something about Lutheran Service Book. I truly appreciate the attempt made to make everyone happy and to have the same hymnal in all LCMS pews. I am, however, perplexed and disappointed that strides made in Lutheran Worship were simply reversed. I’m not talking about big things, but some things that simply

Law and Gospel Preaching

Have you heard some good sermons lately? By a “good sermon,” I mean proper and powerful preaching…

A Child in Harm’s Way

by Theresa M. Shaltanis My daughter has been serving in Iraq with the U.S. Army since last year. Frankly, I don’t care about all the politics of whether our forces should be there. All I know is that I live in fear every day that she won’t come home. Does that show a lack of

Jesus’ Bones?

The March 4th Discovery Channel documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” claimed that the 10 ossuaries discovered…

Mysteries and Realities of Resurrection

Matthew 27:52-53 says: “The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” What is the theology of the LCMS concerning these verses? Who were these

A Magnificent Question

Meeting students from around the world provides
opportunities to witness. This one began with a question.

Themba Girls CD Celebration

LCMS World Relief and Human Care will introduce the new Themba Girls with Erin Bode Group” CD and launch a campaign in support of the Themba Trust at a concert celebration, 8 p.m., April 23, at the Sheldon Concert Hall in St. Louis. The evening included a performance by St. Louis jazz artist Erin Bode

In the Midst of Death

by Scott A. Schmieding Even with reminders of death all around us, I found our “resurrection reality” on display not long ago when I led a committal service in New Orleans. The deceased was a baptized, faithful sister in Christ, Hazel Pinkerton.  Throughout her painful battle with cancer and even during her final, dying breaths,

Worship paradigms

In his January letter regarding the new Lutheran Service Book, Mr. Timothy R. Dahlstrom asks whether a similar resource might be available for those involved in contemporary-style worship. The LCMS Commission on Worship has included consideration of diverse worship in its current work, and it plans to make available more resources in that area in

Facing Unemployment

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I’m facing a layoff at work and am very anxious about what to do. My wife also works, but we can’t make it on her paycheck alone. How can my faith support me during this time? I hear the very real struggle in your question of not being able to

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