Mercy in Christ
‘I thank God and Jesus Christ that someone has regarded us as human beings.’
‘I thank God and Jesus Christ that someone has regarded us as human beings.’
I applaud the community service efforts of “The Little Church That Could,” Living Water Community Church of Richardson Texas, highlighted in the Feb. 2008 Lutheran Witness. The article, however, raised a number of concerns. First, the ministry of LWCC is described almost entirely without reference to the centrality of corporate worship. The Church “is the
My compliments to the new managing editor, Mr. James H. Heine. Frankly, I have never read any of the articles in the Witness in the past.Usually I let it lay around for awhile and the toss it [in the trash]. I could never get past the cover picture, which turned me off. Flipping through the magazine didn’t
Not only am I in complete agreement with Rev. Krugler as he decries the failure to use ‘Mosaic LUTHERAN Church’ for a new mission church in the West, but his point is further enhanced by stories of two churches in the Texas District named “Water’s Edge” and “Living Water Community Church” in the same February
The concept of vocation underlies the “Lutheran difference,” according to Dr. Kurt Krueger, executive director of the Board for University Education.
Concordias seek talented experts who love teaching. by Roland Lovstad About teaching at Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y., Christopher “Kit” Nagel, assistant professor of business and chair of the business program, says this: ‘You really need to understand the academic discipline and your area of knowledge and have confidence that you have the people skills and
Every year, millions of unchurched and uncommitted American students, in addition to nearly 750,000 international students, study at college and university campuses across the United States.
These are just a few of the many people touched by LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
It is critical to remember that our work in Jesus’ name has value because of His resurrection victory over sin, death, and the devil!
by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Touch Me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. (Luke 24:39 ESV) That is what Jesus said to His disciples in the locked room after He had risen from
Easter robs death of the ‘dignity’ it claims for itself. It gives us the sure and certain word that Jesus died for our sins and, therfore, the grave cannot hold us.
Read an exclusive profile of Concordia, Irvine, student Kelly Warneke and comments by Concorida, Portland, graduate Lynn James about the benefits of a Concordia education. Also, read observations from ‘Kit’ Nagel, assistant professor of business at Concordia, Bronxville, on teaching as a ‘second career.’