Expressing God’s Love in the Caribbean
LCMS partners bring care, hope, and Good News to the Dominican Republic, a country with one of the fastest economic growth rates in this hemisphere.
LCMS partners bring care, hope, and Good News to the Dominican Republic, a country with one of the fastest economic growth rates in this hemisphere.
From California, Montana, Georgia, and across the globe, a collection of faith-sharing stories with one common thread–outreach.
Imagine: Confirmation classes so enjoyable that young people invite their friends. New York youth events build relationships with Jesus & community among young people.
Jonah wasn’t keen on sharing his faith with the Ninevites, but just as God called Jonah to bring His Word to those people, so also He calls us to share our faith today.
A growing number of congregations see a need for outreach help, and “The 72–Partners on the Road” are ready to lend a hand.
by Paula Schlueter Ross Anita Olvera’s passion for her ‘family’ opens doors—and hearts Anita Olvera still has trouble thinking of what she does as “evangelism.” As the self-described “social-ministries person” at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fresno, Calif., Olvera took the congregation’s “adopt a family at Christmas” ministry to a new level when she suggested “adopting” …
by Roland Lovstad Light of Christ: Sharing the faith on Sunday and every day — in Mandarin Chinese and English In response to a call to serve, a district and a suburban congregation reach out to a growing Chinese community with the Good News of Jesus. On a Sunday last November, at a crossroads in …
You are reading a very special issue of The Lutheran Witness. Its focus is on people and institutions of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that needs so very much to hear God’s Good News.
You have in your hands a very special issue of The Lutheran Witness. Its focus is on people and institutions of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that needs so very much to hear God’s Good News.
We all enjoy receiving cards and letters at Christmas. Whether from family far away or friends across town, they remind us of the relationships with which we have been blessed. Often, even in this aggressively secular age, those same cards and letters remind us of the great gift our heavenly Father gave us that first Christmas long ago in Bethlehem.
I would like to commend Susan Senechal for her brief but compelling article, “A Light in a World Gone Dark” (December, 2007). Unlike many of your contributors, Susan began where real life is – often dark and filled with tragedy – then soothingly applied the healing balm of the Gospel. So often your articles strike …
I was disappointed in Dr. Siemon-Netto’s article (“On Words and Vocations” – November 2007) and even more disappointed in your decision to print it. Sounding much like a Lutheran version of Andy Rooney, Dr. Siemon-Netto has served to support the unfortunate stereotypical characterization of Lutherans as a bunch of stodgy old curmudgeons desperately trying to …